
Define your application metrics using types from prometheus_client, such as Counter, Gauge, Histogram, etc. Add a PrometheusMetrics dependency provider to your service class. Then add a HTTP entrypoint (usually routed under /metrics URL) that forwards the request to expose_metrics() method of the provider. That’s it!

from nameko.rpc import rpc
from nameko.web.handlers import http
from nameko_prometheus import PrometheusMetrics
from prometheus_client import Counter

work_units = Counter(
    "my_service_work_units_total", "Total number of work units", ["work_type"]

class MyService:
   metrics = PrometheusMetrics()

   def say_hello(self):
      return "Hello!"

   @http("GET", "/metrics")
   def serve_metrics(self, request):
      return self.metrics.expose_metrics(request)

There are a few automatically defined metrics as well. See the documentation of PrometheusMetrics for more.

See also the full stack example in example/ directory in this repo.